High School Curriculum & Requirements

High School Curriculum Guide

Graduation Requirements

4 Units of English

4 Units of Math

2.5 Units of History

4 Units of Science

1 Unit of Fine Arts

1 Unit of Wellness

1.5 Units of Bible

2 Units of Foreign Language

1/2 Unit of Senior Project

4 Units of Electives



1.  Through a recommendation from the Curriculum Committee and approval from the TRA Board of Directors, beginning with the graduating class of 2020, TRA will reinstate a class ranking system to include the valedictorian, salutatorian, and historian designations.  In order to be considered for these top three designations, students must satisfy the requirements for receiving a Distinguished Honors Diploma as prescribed by the school’s handbook.  Students must also complete, at least, their junior and senior academic years with TRA.  Class rankings would be determined by the cumulative unweighted GPA calculation formula.  Should a tie occur, the first tiebreaker would be determined by using a cumulative numerical average, with a second tiebreaker to be determined using the highest composite ACT score.

2.  Additionally, new criteria for determining placement in honors courses for high school, has been approved for implementation.  The criteria includes:

  •    A student must have earned at least an 85 year end average in the course area the previous academic year.
  •    A student must have scored at or above the 50th national percentile on the ACT Aspire, or standardized test the previous academic year.
  •    A student must have a teacher's recommendation from the previous academic year.

*Students must meet at least two of the three prescribed criteria for placement in honors courses.