Memphis National
PreK 4 Curriculum
Language Arts
- Identify uppercase and lowercase letters
- Identify sound isolation for all letters
- Write first and last name
- Form letters correctly
- Read CVC words
- Count orally to 50
- Identify numbers 0-20
- Match numerals to sets up to 20
- Write numerals 0-20
- 2D and 3D shapes
- Identify ordinal positions 1st-6th
- Position words
- 2 part and 3 part patterns
Science/Social Studies
- Seasonal changes in weather and temperature
- States telephone number and address
- Themed activities
Social/Emotional Development
- Adjust to learning environment
- Express emotions appropriately
- Share and take turns
- Demonstrate self-control
- Participate and cooperate
Gross/Fine Motor Skills
- Make basic handwriting strokes: straight, slanted, curved lines, circles
- Use scissors correctly
- Fine motor centers (play doh, STEM building, puzzles, sticker activities, sensory bin)
- Jumping, hopping, skipping, playground play
Bible/Character Development
- Daily devotional and prayer
- Daily worship songs/interaction
- Weekly elementary chapel
- Show respect to others
- Use manners
- Show concern for others and respond in a kind manner