Memphis National
PreK 3 Curriculum
Language Arts
- Listen attentively to 5-10 minute stories
- Demonstrates knowledge of how to use a book
- Recognize capital letters
- Recite nursery rhymes from memory
- Phonemic Awareness
- Express ideas through conversation with Teachers and peers
- On Campus field trips pertaining to the letter of the week (For example: E is for Excavator, B is for Bakery)
- Purposeful Play Centers incorporating the letter of the week (Example: I is for Ice cream shop)
- Count to 20
- Identify numerals 1–15
- Identify all 11 colors and 2-D shapes
- Recognize and create AB patterns
- Sort by attributes (color, size, shape)
- Understand measurement, time, and graphing
- Understand time in relation to daily routines and schedule
- Demonstrate one-to-one correspondence and making sets up to 5 using manipulatives
Science and Social Studies
- Begin to describe and identify the similarities, categories, and different structures of familiar animals
- Explore seasonal changes in weather and temperature
- Examine and categorize objects based on observable properties
- Begin to investigate a variety of Earth materials and its observable properties
- Observe, predict, and solve problem based on prior knowledge and experiences
- Begin to understand significance to special holidays and cultural events
- Practice self-help skills and follow basic health and safety rules
- Recognize family structures
Social/Emotional Development
- Identify and express emotions appropriately
- Communicate needs and wants using words
- Make eye contact when interacting
- Initiate and maintain play — independent, parallel, and group
- Resolve conflict appropriately and show respect
- Take responsibility for actions and belongings
- Respond as a first-time listener
- Demonstrate self-control
- Works and plays cooperatively
Bible and Character Development
- Daily devotion and prayer
- Bible stories
- Character Education (teaching life skills through puppets and stories)
- Weekly Bible verse
- Weekly Chapel and praise songs
- Demonstrate fruits of the spirit
Gross and Fine Motor Skills
- Grip pencil correctly, traces and prints first name
- Grasp scissors correctly and cuts straight lines
- Use a variety of writing tools to trace curvy and and straight lines
- Use a variety of manipulatives to enhance fine motor skills, for example; play dough, tweezers, scoopers
- Engage in daily recess
- Demonstrate a variety of gross motor activities (hopping, jumping, skipping, catching and throwing)