Memphis National
PreK 2 Curriculum
Christian Worldview
- Fosters a love for God’s Word in sharing Bible stories daily
- Encourages wonder and share in awe about the created world
- Celebrates children as image bearers of God
- Auditory Processing
- listen to stories
- recognize first name in print
- explore concept of print
- simulate reading
- Expressive Language
- speak in complete sentences
- sing songs and rhymes
- follow two-part instructions
- engage in conversation with adults and peers
- respond to questions, counting with help
- classify and sorts objects into simple groups by simple groups by attributes
- recognize basic shapes
- Attention
- engage with others during carpet time
- attend to a task for 2-3 minutes
- follow two-part instructions
- Motor skills
- use restroom
- wash and dry hands independently
- develop gross motor skills
- clap, establish grip, and construct with blocks or other objects enhancing fine motor skills
- Cooperative Play
- interact other children in a playful manner
- engage in pretend play
- Self-Awareness
- Begin to identify and express feelings