Board of Directors

Not Pictured - Bobby Lee Hanks 

Tipton-Rosemark Academy is a corporation operating under the supervision of a Board of Directors, consisting of up to 15 members. The directors are elected annually by the stakeholders. Normally, directors are elected from the geographic areas that patronize the school. Directors serve without renumeration. Details of board elections and tenure of office may be found in the by-laws of the academy. Members of the Board of Directors serve on committees, as well as on the board itself. As members of these committees, the directors initiate, review, and when necessary, discontinue the policies which govern the operation of the school.

2023-24 Executive Committee - Rose Fullen Chair

Rose Fullen 

Chris Slayman

Elizabeth Lague

Stacy Fullen

Board Members 2023-24

Neil Howe

John Paul Rose

Kacee McCalla

Not Pictured - Bobby Lee Hanks

Finance Committee - Elizabeth Lague Chair

Elizabeth Lague

Rose Fullen 

John Paul Rose

Stacy Fullen

Harry Sinis

Board Development Committee - Stacy Fullen Chair

Stacy Fullen

Rose Fullen 

Kacee McCalla

Harry Sinis

Not Pictured - Bobby Lee Hanks

Strategic Planning Committee - Chris Slayman Chair

Chris Slayman

Kacee McCalla

Neil Howe

Harry Sinis

Not Pictured - Bobby Lee Hanks

Facilities & Grounds Committee - Neil Howe Chair

Neil Howe

Chris Slayman

John Paul Rose

Elizabeth Lague

Harry Sinis

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

John 1:4